This weekend's reaction to the attempted assassination of Nancy Pelosi by the "good Republicans" nearly broke me. National Review Online commenters were indistinguishable from Dispatch commenters who were indistinguishable from Breitbart commenters.
I was reminded of the scene from Kenneth Branagh's Henry V where the French went around and killed the baggage boys. King Henry, viewing the carnage, declares, "I was not angry since I came to France until this instant!"
I am beyond pissed. Yes, the actual shitposting by leaders and followers makes me angry, but the absolute unwillingness, or even abetting, of those fools by the mainstream media raises my rage to incandescence.
There IS a storm coming. But it's not going to be the storm the Trump cultists and their abettors are expecting.
The prophet Habakkuk also experienced rage at the injustice he saw in control of the world:
1 The pronouncement which Habakkuk the prophet saw:
2 How long, Lord, have I called for help, and You do not hear? I cry out to You, “Violence!” Yet You do not save.
3 Why do You make me see disaster, and make me look at destitution? Yes, devastation and violence are before me; strife exists and contention arises.
4 Therefore the Law is ignored, and justice is never upheld. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore justice comes out confused.
Habakkuk continues by seemingly chastising God:
13 Your eyes are too pure to look at evil, and You cannot look at harm favorably. Why do You look favorably at those who deal treacherously? Why are You silent when the wicked swallow up those more righteous than they?
14 Why have You made people like the fish of the sea, like crawling things that have no ruler over them?
This is what I'm feeling right now. Why? Why are our institutions just letting this happen? Why are those we elected and appointed to oversee the affairs of our nation just seemingly standing by and doing nothing? Why is justice not being served on those who are trying to tear us apart?
In the beginning of the next chapter Habakkuk heads up to his spot to wait for his rebuke from God for his temerity:
1 I will stand at my guard post and station myself on the watchtower; and I will keep watch to see what He will say to me, and how I may reply [a]when I am reprimanded.
But God did not reprimand Habakkuk. God reminded Habakkuk.
And right now I am reminded that our country has been through worse than these MAGA clowns. It's been through worse than Trump. It's been through worse than Conservatism, Inc’s media silo.
The good guys outnumber the bad guys. The good guys are coming out and early voting in numbers larger than the Blue wave year of 2018 and in some cases 2020.
The women's share of the early vote is 54.5%. Hmmm, wonder what's driving them to the polls?
It's easy to focus on the negative, like the latest rounds of polling that seemed to have shown a Republican comeback. What people fail to mention is that most of that came from a ton of Republican led polling being dropped at the same time.
Fetterman is going to win Pennsylvania.
Ryan is going to win Ohio.
Barnes is going to win Wisconsin.
Kelly is going to win Arizona.
Warnock is going to win Georgia.
Hasan is going to win New Hampshire.
Cortez-Masto is going to win Nevada.
Demings is going to win Florida.
Beasley is going to win North Carolina.
It is NOT hopeless. MAGA wants us hopeless. Don't give it to them.
I apologize for not posting for quite a while. I started a new job recently. Things are settling down and the plan is to get back to posting regularly.
This post was adapted from a comment I made over on at The Bulwark on their Morning Shots newsletter. I lightly edited it and am reposting it here because I want to share it with my community. I also highly recommend The Bulwark to my readers. They are a great group of people fighting to help save our democracy. Yes, they are center-right but nobody’s perfect. :)
Please share these posts with others if you feel they will enjoy my content. Subscriptions are free and come with the ability to comment on my posts.
Now . . . go vote!
Like you, I'm extremely angry about the GQP's antics, and far too much of our media's coverage of the election and issues facing this country. I just completed my absentee ballot. For the first time in my life, I voted a straight ticket. I'm not the type of independent voter often portrayed in the media, so my ballot isn't what they'd expect.
You seem to be more optimistic than I about the election results, but I will be more than delighted to apologize to you. Hope that your new job is going well.
I wish I could follow your extortion to go out & vote but alas I’m an Australian. I don’t know why I care so much about what happens in the US as life’s pretty good here (yes we have inflation too 😉). Actually I do know why - we’ve always been partners with the US in every war or conflict & need the US to retain its democracy & leadership on the world stage. Aussies love freedom & democracy too & care about what’s happening there.